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Ecological condition
The main

The geography of Buy



State Natural Monuments of local significance

Natural resources

Ecological situation

The project "Our town"

About the authors

Utilize resource


A viev of the town


Buyskaya multi - profiled association of enteprises. (Aformes chemical plant)


Buy station

     Our Buy district is included in the Kostroma region, which is the cleanest ecological region of the Russian federation. Buy is one of the largest and deverloped town of the Kostroma region. In Buy there is network of living municipal economy enterprises of chemical, forest, timber industry, food and transport. Yeardi there is wood - cutter on the districtis territory. Owing to it man's loading for nalural ecological system in the town Buy is rather high in comparison with small towns of the region. Under the influence of man's economic activity the structure , the material rocks composition , its condition are changed. Geological processes being dangerous for a man are activized, the soil and undergroud waters are polluted large territories are drowned , the natural landscape is changed.

     The lands occupied by industrial objects, transport (car parkings) , habitable buildings of towns , villages, settlements and rural populated areas are greatly exposed to man's loading , especially in places of rubbish heaps and waste by the village Afonino and in the settlement of timber mill. There are rural areas on the territory of our district economies .As a result is broken, the crop rotations are not observed, soils liming and phosphorusing isn't made, organic and mineral fertilizers aren't manured. A lot of field plots are not regularly ploughed, some of then are used for cattle's pasture land . Such field's using leads to the fact, that its large territories are out of agricultural production.

     The areas of neglected fields are greatly increased. 6 666 h of the lands are used not rationally. This situation leads to tillages degredation, to loss of fertile and swampy soils.

     Enterprises of living municipal economy put trash and waste products info the river Kostroma, which supplies our town Buy with water. The quality of the water is not good. it doesn’t correspondent to the standards of the Sanitary Control, especially during high – flood. The water contains iron (5, 3 – 5, 7), copper and ammonium   compositions. Enterprises of automobile and railway industries pump waste gases and pollute the air.

      The enterprises of living municipal economy are sources of pollution of the environment because of the boiler-houses, working by coal instead of natural gas. Timber industry (furniture factory) and wood manufacturing plants make a great contribution to the pollution of our environment. Among them there are the following enterprises: Buyskiy chemical plant which produces organic and and mineral fertilizers.

     “Eckokhimmash” ( producing phosphates and phosphate compositions for automobile industry )

      “Misso” ( its productions borax and coagulate ) and many others. The most dangerous is the production of phosphate composition.


Mail address: 157003 Кostromskaya region, town Buy, 10, the third International street school 9

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