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The geographical position of Buy

The main

The geography of Buy



State Natural Monuments of local significance

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The project "Our town"

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    Buy district is situated in the central part of the Kostroma region. Its  common area is 325263 hectares. The population of the region  is 43200; 9500 of them live in the rural countryside. There are 302 populated areas on its territory. More then 80 of them are neglected. The main artery of Buy district, the Kostroma river, flows from the north to the south; itis is 354 km long. More than 250 rivers and streams flow on the territory of the Buy district; 22 of them have an extension of more then 10 km. Before 1991 the Kostroma river has been used as a pier and timber - rafting of Soligalich and Buy forestries. Nowadays the rivers of  Buy district are considered to be few polluted. Buy district is rich in biological resources (about 70% per cent of its territory is covered by the forests). The land fund of the Buy forestry occupies the area of 171702 hectares, the rest of them are occupied by a military forestry.

The position of Buy in the geographical map


Mail address: 157003 Кostromskaya region, town Buy, 10, the third International street school 9

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