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The main

The geography of Buy



State Natural Monuments of local significance

Natural resources

Ecological situation

The project "Our town"
About the authors

Utilize resource

Boletus edulis



Yuniperbus communis


Trollius europicus



    Flora or a vegetal cover is a combination of all the vegetal fitozenoz. Flora of Buy district goes into the structure of the southern conifers of the Kostroma region which are divided into the western and the eastern districts. The border passes by the line conducted from the town Вuy to Kadyi and the southern border of Makaryev district the Kostroma region. Fir and pine predominate among coniferous types of trees, and birch prevails among foliage trees. In the second row maple, mountain ash and bird cherry tree grow. You can find shrubbery such as raspberry, currant, dog-rose and daphne; bushes: red bilberry, bilberry and blue bilberry. Grassy cover is rich and various: moss in the forests, oxalis, meadow-grass at the meadows, cocksfoot, foxtail, timothy-grass, field cornflower and meadow-clover. Under conditions of normal moisture the basis of grass is composed by cereals: such as:anthoxanthum, agrostis, festuca rubra and prairie. Thanks to high soil fertility and favourable conditions for moisture a valuable vegetation for forage is forming here. Cereals and beans compose its basis. Суходольные meadows are situated on the whole territory of the district by small massif. The middle size of a meadow usually doesn’t exceed 2-3 hectares. They were formed instead of cut down forests. Our forests are rich in mushrooms too (edible, orange-cap boletus, brown cap bolletus, chanterelle, armillaria) and in berries: raspberry, bilberry, red bilberry, cranberry, wild strawberry).

Swamps are the part of landscape of the Buy district. Flora of Buy and the Buy district is very diverse. It includes poisonous plants (волчье лыко, bex poisonous, nerb Paris, дурман ядовитый), forests lily of the valley and herbs. Some sorts are written into Red Book. And first of all you should name forest lily of the valley, trollius europicus,  juniper.


Junction of the Kostroma and Vyoksa rivers


A pond in the village Romantsevo


An edge  of wood  nearby  the village Likurga

Mail address: 157003 Kostromskaya region, town Buy, 10, the third International street school 9

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